Homemade Cough Syrup

There's nothing like a pesky cough to keep you awake at night! Or worse, when the kids get it. Goodbye sleep, hello coffee!! Pineapples always make me think of summer, cocktails and oh wait that was pre kids but hey,,,,,Don't underestimate the power of the pina!

I don't know about you, but I'm just not a fan of over the counter cough bottles as they are full of nasties, as well as being, just not that effective. Where possible I love to go back to nature and treat as holistically, naturally and intuitively as I can. When I heard about the natural cough suppressing benefits of pineapple I was all over it!! No, seriously I was like a spoon for you, a spoon for me.....

This easy, homemade cough syrup is simple, tasty and effective! It's also made from easily accessible ingredients and my kids love it. I mix up a batch and store it in the fridge for upto a week. 



The Science

Pineapple contains an anti inflammatory enzyme called bromelain that can decrease mucus production as well as reducing overall inflammation of the throat (source). Ye, who knew!!? Raw honey is super charged with immune boosting antioxidants, is anti-bacterial and did I mention delicious? It's also super comforting for a sore throat. Ginger, another medicinal antioxidant powerhouse and anti-inflammatory and for bonus points is a natural pain reliever (source). Lemon, an astringent that helps reduce inflammation as well as creating an acidic antimicrobial environment in the throat. Great for attacking nasty virus' (source) 

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  • Half a fresh organic pineapple sliced including the core
  • 2 TBSP Raw Local Honey
  • Thumb size piece of ginger (less for kids! I recommend less is more and add more if needed.)
  • Juice of a lemon

How to

  • Place all the ingredients in a food blender and blitz until smooth.
  • Drink as required!

Check out my top 3 natural immune boosting go to's to help fight and prevent common colds, coughs and flu.

Feel better,

Aisling xxx

Note: If you are concerned or have a persisting cough, you should seek medical advice. Also, honey is not suitable for children under 12 months.